STONE ANALYSIS The type of stone and its composition is in direct relationto the nature of its weathering and corrosion processes. What is stone analysis? Stone analysis can determine the authenticity of objectsmade from stone by carrying out studies of the surface and cross-section to ascertain its nature anddegree of deterioration. Each type of stone will have its own particular naturally occurringphenomena of deterioration, even if preserved from bad weather. This occurs in relation to its exposure tomoisture, heat and the development of vegetable or animal organisms. Variousmineral phases are likely to be differently weathered especially the mostfragile phases, when they are subjected to a more or less aggressive environmentover a long period of time. The differentials between the carved surface andthe inside of the stone of these mineral phases is to be expected, and it isthe study of such which provide the basis of stone analysis. What kinds of stone object can be analysed? Most types of stone that are at least 300 years old areacceptable for analysis. Only rock crystals, granite and flint may be difficult toanalyze as these stones are very hard and resistant to corrosion. How is it done? A Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM) with back scatteredimaging (BSE) coupled with an energy dispensive X-ray spectrometer(EDS) Which performs XZ-ray fluorescence is used. For jadeanalysis, Raman spectrometry is used. The process differentiates the stonebetween jadeite, nephrite, serpentinite and a jade stimulant called antigorite, and will also show if any heattreatment may have been applied to simulate weathering. A small sample of at least 5mm from the carved surfaceistaken and processed as a cross-section. To obtain information on manufacturing techniques, the surface is studied foreveidence of tool marks from carving or polishing, as well as possibletreatments such as cleaning or the useof acid. Ancient or modern polychromy , superficial deposits, burial sedimentsand modern applications can also be significant considerations in the analysis. The type of stone andits com[position is then determined. As it is in direct relation to the natureof its weathering and corrosion processes, the weather gradient between the carvedsurface and the inside of the stoneis examined, as well as the features of thesurface porosity , grain decohesion, desquamation of the surface andreprecipitation of iron and manganese oxides. The Stone Analysis Laboratory. With an extensive background in archaeomaterial physics andchemistry , Dr. Olivier Bobin, the scientific manager in Ciram Laboratory basedin France performs the stone analysis. Since 2000, the focus of his work has beenin investigating and analysing works and objects of significant culturalheritageusing coupled methodologies. His research continues to be in the use ofnew analytical methods for the study ofancient materials focusing on datingmethods and characterization of corrosion processes. 玉石测试: 通过玉石测试可以决定玉石制品真确性。 方法是查验其表面及横切面,以确定其石质及自然侵蚀的程度。 什么是玉石测试? 每一种石如被人珍而重之保藏,即使没有受到恶劣天气的影响,都会有其自然侵蚀的表现。原因是暴露与湿气、热力,或因植物和有机生物之生长所致。不同的矿石相,特别是易受侵蚀的部分,当长期被置于类似的恶劣环境时,会有不同的侵蚀表现,经过雕琢的石皮和未经加工石心会有不同的表现是意料中事,研究这种不同的表现正是玉石测试的理论基础。 玉石分析实验室: 负责玉石分析的Dr.Olivier Bobin 是法国西林 (Ciram ) 实验室的科学经理,具有丰富的考古无料物理学和化学的知识。自2000年以来,他采用结合方法学专事研究和分析艺术品及重要的文化遗产。他继续采用新的分析方法查验古代的物料,专研鉴定年代的方法和侵蚀过程的特征。 如何测试? 一般石材可使用扫描电子式显微镜进行X射线荧光测试。这仪器具有背向散射式电子图像与及能量分散式X光光谱仪两种功能。玉石测试则会采用拉曼光谱分析仪。 这种方法可分辨硬玉、软玉、蛇纹石和一种像玉被称为叶状蛇纹石的石头,并可以查出被测试的样本有否经人为加热冲旧的情况。 在有雕工的表面部份取至少5mm的小量横切面加以分析。 如要获取制造技术的,先需观察样本表面有否曾用工具雕刻或打磨的痕迹,同时查看曾否被清洁或用酸剂处理。还有古代或现代的彩料、表面的沉积物、墓葬中沾积的沉淀物,与及现代的涂腐物等,这些亦都是分析测试时要考虑的重要因素。 样本的类型和成分与其自然风化和侵蚀过程有直接关系,准备的测试需检视界乎雕琢了的石皮和石心之间岁月自然侵蚀的差异。此外还需检视石皮的孔隙度、表面粉末或颗粒状的脱落、氧化铁及氧化锰的积聚等特征。 玉石分析实验室: 负责玉石分析的Dr.OlivierBobin是法国西林实验室的科学原理,具有丰富的考古物理学和化学知识。自2000年以来,它采用结合方法学专事研究和分析艺术品及重要的文化遗产。他继续采用新的分析方法查验古代的物料,专研鉴定年代的方法和侵蚀过程的特征。 |