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发表于 2012-3-9 17:09:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 古谿 于 2013-1-25 14:56 编辑

The Essence of Daintiness-Fine Yixing Stoneware From The Hezhengzhai Collection
劉創新 編著















 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-9 17:10:33 | 显示全部楼层
文心看壺  ──寫於《文薈菁英-和正齋宜興紫砂藏珍》編後
文 黃健亮

此外,也有部份圖版採用四色黑白呈現,這是更大膽的嘗試。誠如黑白攝影與彩色相片抗衡了一百年仍不墜,又如同黑白電影《大藝術家The Artist》在眾多高科技電腦3D特效電影中脫穎而出,屢獲大獎。凡此都啟發著吾人:在眩惑於壺價、名款之時,不妨暫時抽離色相的皮殼,冷眼直觀砂壺的質感、肌理、形制、階調、光影,直指本心,素面相見。果真如此,相信讀者自能發現紫砂玩賞的桃花源。


 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-9 17:11:46 | 显示全部楼层

An initial appraisal of the three pumpkin shaped teapots by Chen Mingyuan/Huang Chien Liang

A satisfying hobby to indulge a lifetime/Liu Chuangxin

1.明末 長方菱花壺Rectangular water-chestnut shaped teapot – Late Ming period
2.清初 陳鳴遠製路雲龍印款貼花杯連杯托Applique decorated tea cup together with matching tray (with the seal stamp of Lu Yunlong) by Chen Mingyuan – Early Qing period
3.康熙 陳鳴遠製南瓜壺Pumpkin shaped teapot by Chen Mingyuan - Kangxi period  
4.康熙 陳鳴遠制石榴形水盂Pomegranate shaped water container by Chen Mingyuan – Kangxi period
5.清初 聖思氏款松鼠葡萄杯Squirrel and grape cup with inscription of Shengsi – Early Qing period
6.清初 荊溪鄭寧侯製三足蟾大蓮子壺Big teapot with a three-foot toad lid by Zheng Ninghou of Jingxi - Early Qing period
7.清初 荊溪陳子連製紫砂大平蓋蓮子壺Large zisha teapot with flat lid by Chen Zilian of Jingxi - Early Qing period
8.清初 絞胎布袋和尚像Jiaotai (wringing clay) figurine of Budai Heshang – Early Qing period
9.明末清初 歐洲包鑲卷雲旋紋蓋六方壺Hexagonal swirling pattern cloud teapot with European gild mounting – Late Ming to Early Qing  period
10.清初 雕雲館陳辰製六瓣葵形旋紋壺Teapot with a swirling hexamerous geranium pattern by Chen Chen of Diaoyunguan – Early Qing period
11.清初 貼花具輪珠小壺Small round julunzhu type teapot with appliqué decorations – Early Qing period
12.康熙 龍鳳紋笠帽壺Bamboo-hat shaped teapot with dragon and phoenix motifs – Kangxi period
13.清初 荊溪款貼花具輪珠壺Round shape applique decorated small teapot (julunzhu) lined with old European gild mounting and a Jingxi sealmark inscription –Early Qing period
14.清初 陳俊生款貼竹節紋六方壺Hexagonal teapot with appliqué decoration by Chen Junsheng – Early Qing period
15.康熙 荊溪天其款貼花六方宮燈壺Hexagonal appliqué decorated palace-lantern shaped teapot with European gild mounting and seal marks of “Jingxi” and “Tianqi” – Kangxi period
16.清初 片霞浮石井款大龍旦壺Large dragon-egg shape (longdan) teapot with “pianxia fu shijing” base inscriptions – Early Qing period
17.清初 松竹開三徑款文旦壺Large pomelo-shaped (wendan) teapot with “songzhu kai sanjing” base inscriptions– Early Qing period
18.清初 不信有京洛款龍旦壺Longdan teapot with “buxin you jingluo” inscription – Early Qing period
19.清初 歐洲包鑲高六方壺Tall hexagonal shape teapot with European style gild mounting – Early Qing period
20.康熙 貼花佛手壺Chayote shaped teapot with appliqué decoration – Kangxi period
21.清初 貼花佛手龍旦玲瓏壺Longdan (dragon egg) style appliqué decorated teapot with a reticulated openwork lid – Early Qing period
22.清初 橄欖形大茶葉罐一對A pair of large olive shape tea canister –Early Qing period
23.雍乾 菱瓣大茶罐Large water chestnut flower petal shaped caddy – Yongzheng Qianlong period
24.清初 鈞釉堆繪牡丹紋罐Jun glazed jar with peony design applied in relief (duihui)–Early Qing period
25.清初 鈞釉大水缸Large jun glaze water vat– Early Qing period
26.清初 堆泥八角大缸Large clay lumping (duini) octagonal glazed vat – Early Qing period
27.康熙 貼花八角罐Octagonal jar with appliqué decoration – Kangxi period
28.康熙 四季花卉旋紋大瓶Big vase with swirling body lines and decorated with appliqué flowers of the four seasons – Kangxi period
29.康熙 貼花龍首軍持Appliqué decorated kendi with a dragon head spout – Kangxi period
30.清初 鹿鈕松鼠葡萄壺Squirrel and grape teapot with a deer knob – Early Qing period
31.康熙 松竹雙清龍形壺Pine and bamboo appliqué teapot with dragon design - Kangxi period
32.康熙 天雞壺Tianji teapot – Kangxi period
33.康熙 貼花三友梨形壺Pear shaped teapot with appliqué decoration of sanyou (pine, bamboo and prunus) – Kangxi period
34.康熙 貼花泥繪雙兔報春壺Double Spring-hare clay painting and appliqué decorated teapot – Kangxi period
35.康熙 海棠花橢圓壺Oval shaped teapot appliqué decorated with begonia – Kangxi period
36.康熙 葡萄藤大圓壺Large round shape teapot with grapes and vine appliqué – Kangxi period
37.康熙 俏色貼玉蘭花大圓壺Dual color big round teapot with appliqué decorations of magnolia– Kangxi period
38.康熙 梅花大獅球壺Prunus flower appliqué teapot with large lion knob – Kangxi period
39.康熙 獅球貼花十二開光玲瓏壺Applique decorated teapot with twelve reticulated openwork panels and a lion lid knob – Kangxi period
40.康雍 卷雲蓋貼四季花卉大宮燈壺Large court-lantern shape teapot with appliqué decorations of flowers of the four seasons and a cyclic cloud lid – Kangxi Yongzheng period
41.康熙 太師少師鈕貼花夔龍紋大壺Large teapot with lion and cub knob with appliqué decorations of kui dragon motif – Kangxi period
42.康熙 童子執蓮紋橢圓壺Oblong oval cylindrical shape teapot with appliqué decorations of boys holding lotus leafs – Kangxi period
43.康熙 童子執蓮紋獅球壺Round shape teapot with boys holding lotus leaves appliqué and a lion lid knob – Kangxi period
44.雍乾 陳覲侯製鏤空貼花六方高燈壺Tall hexagonal lantern type teapot with reticulated openwork and appliqué decorations by Chen Jinhou – Yongzheng Qianlong period
45.康熙  貼花鏤空天圓地方式高身酒壺Tall tianyuandifang style liquor pot with reticulated openwork and appliqué decorations – Kangxi period
46.雍正 雍正五年製款貼太白醉酒多穆壺Hexagonal Monk’s cap (mdong-mo) teapot with appliqué decoration and “made in the fifth year of Yongzheng” inscription at the base – Yongzheng period
47.雍正 筠石居貼園林圖直筒壺Tall cylindrical teapot with appliqué decorations of Chinese garden scenery by Yunshiju (with partial impairment) – Yongzheng period
48.康熙 龍紋印花六方雙龍提梁壺Hexagonal shape teapot with stamped dragons and a double-dragon overhead handle – Kangxi period
49.康熙 雲龍紋介字提梁六方壺Hexagonal teapot with pavilion shaped overhead handle and appliqué decoration of dragon and cloud motifs – Kangxi period
50.康雍 雙龍紋介字提梁長方壺Rectangular shape teapot appliqué decorated with double dragon motifs and having a pavilion-roof shaped  overhead handle – Kangxi Yongzheng period
51.康熙 菱花提梁壺兩件Two water chestnut flower pattern teapots with overhead handle – Kangxi period
52.康雍 束竹壺兩件Two similar teapots shaped in a bundle of bamboo stems – Kangxi Yongzheng period
53.雍正 合菊壺Flatten round teapot in the form of a double clasped chrysanthemum – Yongzheng period
54.雍乾 五福百壽四方壺Trapezoid square based teapot with traditional “five blessedness and hundred longetivity” motifs – Yongzheng Qianlong period
55.雍乾 雙色雲肩如意梔子花紋圓壺Round shaped teapot with appliqué decorated with dual colored ruyi and gardenia patterns– Yongzheng Qianlong period
56.康雍  錦地回紋梨式壺Pear shaped teapot with fully padded fret motifs – Kangxi Yongzheng Period
57.雍乾 印花雲雷紋獸流梨形壺Pear shape teapot with stamped yunleiwen motifs and an animal head spout – Yongzheng Qianlong period
58.雍乾 萬壽堂平蓋扁圓壺Flattened round shape teapot with flat lid by Wanshoutang – Yongzheng Qianlong period
59.雍乾 荊溪許文先製虛扁壺Compressed round shaped teapot by Xu Wenxian of Jingxi – Yongzheng Qianlong period
60.雍乾 水交以淡茗戰而肥款矮六方壺Stubby shaped hexagonal teapot with base inscriptions – Yongzheng Qianlong period
61.雍乾 詩士作伴文人相親款小扁燈壺Minuscule flat lantern shape teapot with base inscriptions – Yongzheng Qianlong period
62.雍乾 伴吟月下且啟我心款小宮燈壺Small court-lantern shaped teapot with inscriptions at the base – Yongzheng Qianlong period
63.雍乾 行吟山水之中款歐洲包鑲六方君德壺Hexagonal Junde teapot with base inscription and decorated with European gild mounting – Yongzheng Qianlong period
64.康雍 生今之世尚友古人款方敦壺Chubby quadrangular shaped teapot with inscriptions – Kangxi Yongzheng period
65.雍乾 瑞德堂笠帽橄欖型壺Olive shape teapot with bamboo-hat shaped lid by Ruidetang – Yongzheng Qianlong period
66.雍乾 陳礪成製大蓮子壺Big lotus style teapot by Chen Licheng – Yongzheng Qianlong period
67.雍乾 荊溪邵茂中製大宮燈壺Big palace lantern teapot by Shao Maozhong of Jingxi – Yongzheng Qianlong period
68.雍正 靜遠齋製泥繪山水圖方壺Square teapot with clay painting of landscape scenery by Jingyuanzhai – Yongzheng period
69.雍乾 荊溪史繼長製方敦壺Quadrangular stump teapot by Shi Jichang of Jingxi – Yongzheng Qianlong period
70.雍乾 荊溪邵元華製大宮燈壺Large court-lantern teapot by Shao Yuanhua of Jingxi – Yongzheng Qianlong period
71.雍正 彩繪花鳥圖笠帽大壺Large bamboo-hat styled teapot with enamel color painting – Yongzheng period
72.雍乾 荊溪淩萬興製彩繪山水紋六方將軍壺Large hexagonal jiangjun teapot with enamel Chinese landscape painting by Ling Wanxing of Jingxi – Yongzheng Qianlong period
73.乾隆 方衡祿製錢鈕高身束帶圓壺Round high girdled teapot with openwork coin motif knob by Fang Henglu – Qianlong period
74.乾隆 大清乾隆年製彩泥堆繪赤壁圖筆筒Brush pot with caini duihui (slip and color clay painting) of landscape scenery – Qianlong period
75.乾隆 彩泥堆繪花蝶圖筆筒Brush pot decorated with caini duihui of butterflies and flowers – Qianlong period
76.乾隆 楊季元製彩泥堆繪獸耳方瓶Square vase painted in caini duihui with a pair of animal-head doorknocker shaped attachments by Yang Jiyuan – Qianlong period
77.乾隆 御製詩題銘段泥扁圓壺Duanni flattened round teapot with inscription of Emperor Qianlong’s royal poem – Qianlong period
78.乾隆 大清乾隆年製彩泥堆繪花鳥蟲魚四方筆筒Square brush pot with caini duihui of flowers birds fish and insects – Qianlong period
79.乾隆 大清乾隆年製松段筆筒Pine stem shaped brush pot with “made in the reign of Qianlong” seal mark – Qianlong period
80.乾隆 楊履康製泥繪山水如意圓燈壺Cylindrical lantern type teapot with clay painted landscape scenes by Yang Lükang – Qianlong period
81.乾隆 行書刻般若波羅蜜多心經佛缽Buddhist alms bowl with the Heart Sutra inscription – Qianlong period
82.雍乾 陳礪成製貼花夔龍紋貢碗Palace tribute bowl with appliqué decorations of kui dragon by Chen Licheng – Yongzheng Qianlong period
83.乾隆 董□林製爐鈞釉漢方壺Square sectional teapot in the shape of a Han bronze vessel (hanfanghu ) with robin’s egg glaze by Dong [x]lin – Qianlong period
84.乾隆 爐鈞釉亭鈕方壺Quadrangular lujunyou (robin’s egg glazed) teapot with a pavilion styled knob – Qianlong period
85.清乾隆 爐鈞釉兔形擺件Yijun glazed rabbit decorative artifact – Qianlong period
86.清中期 大清乾隆年製鈞釉雙耳出戟樽Yijun glazed chuji vase with double handles (ears) and seal of “Made in Great Qing’s reign of Qianlong” at the base – Middle Qing dynasty
87.乾隆 貼花百果葫蘆瓶一對A pair of appliqué decorated bottle-gourd shaped vase – Qianlong period
88.乾隆 風卷葵式壺Flatten round shape “wind swirling geranium” teapot – Qianlong period
89.乾隆 潘虔榮製直筒壺Cylinder shaped teapot by Pan Qianrong – Qianlong period
90.乾隆 邵忠佑製紫泥大蓮子壺Big zini (purple clay) lotus style teapot by Shao Zhongyou – Qianlong period
91.乾嘉 詩句款紫泥留佩式大壺Large Liu Pei style zini teapot with inscription of poem – Qianlong Jiaqing period
92.乾隆 磨光菱瓣壺Burnished water-chestnut flower petal shape teapot – Qianlong period
93.雍乾 菊瓣圓壺Round chrysanthemum patterned teapot – Yongzheng Qianlong period
94.乾隆 橢圓菊瓣壺Oval shape chrysanthemum petal teapot – Qianlong period
95.嘉道 高菊瓣壺Tall chrysanthemum petal shape teapot – Jiaqing Daoguang period
96.乾隆 邵聖和製曠攬齋款梨式壺Pear shape teapot with Kuanglanzhai studio inscription at the base by Shao Shenghe – Qianlong period
97.乾隆 此外又何求款平蓋圓壺Round shape teapot with flat lid and inscription at base – Qianlong period
98.乾隆 修五款朱泥高足梨形壺Red clay high foot pear shape teapot with “Xiuwu” inscription – Qianlong period
99.乾隆 伯俊製線瓢壺Gourd shape teapot by Bo Jun – Qianlong period
100.乾隆 翼齋邵柏原製扁圓壺Flattened round teapot by Shao Baiyuan of Yizhai Studio – Qianlong period
101.嘉道 明月清風酒一船款碗燈壺Bowl lantern shape teapot with base inscriptions – Jiaqing Daoguang period
102.嘉道 楊彭年製桑連理館仿大彬製扁石壺Compressed disc shape teapot in the style of Shi Dabin by Yang Pengnian – Jiaqing Daoguang period
103.道光 邵大亨製大德鍾壺Large Cylindrical Dezhong type teapot by Shao Daheng – Daoguang period
104.道光 壺公冶父款子冶石瓢壺Ziye style shipiaohu (conical shaped teapot) with body and base inscriptions – Daoguang period
105.道光 申錫製子冶銘漢方壺Square sectional teapot in the shape of a Han bronze vessel (Hanfanghu) by Shen Xi – Daoguang period
106.道光 朱堅製石某摹古款錫包飛鴻延年高井欄壺Cylindrical drum shape teapot encased in pewter by Zhu Jian – Daoguang period
107.道光 朱石梅刻銘錫製方斗量壺Pewter flattened trapezoid shape douliang teapot with inscriptions by Zhu Shimei – Daoguang period
108.道光 品泉製碗燈錫壺Bowl lantern shaped pewter teapot by Pin Quan – Daoguang period
109.咸同 石泉品定款仿青銅簋形擺件Stoneware emulating the shape and look of a gui bronze vessel – Xianfeng Tongzhi period
110.道光 邵友蘭製磨光德鐘提梁壺Burnished Dezhong type teapot with overhead handle by Shao Youlan – Daoguang period
111.光緒 黃玉麟製磨光三叉提梁壺Burnished teapot with a three-point style overhead handle by Huang Yulin – Guangxu period
112.清中期 何心舟製一粒珠壺Yilizhu (one round pearl) teapot by He Xinzhou – Middle Qing period
113.光緒 福記龍印三足竹鈕壺Three-foot globular teapot with a bamboo shape knob – Guangxu period
114.晚清 用霖款六方思亭壺一對A pair of small hexagonal pear shape Si-ting styled teapots with Yonglin seal mark – Late Qing period
115.晚清 磨光神燈提梁壺Burnished “magic lantern” shaped teapot with overhead handle – Late Qing period
116.晚清 磨光淨瓶Burnished Buddhist kalasa vase – Late Qing period
117.光緒 黃玉麟製供春樹癭壺Tree knar shaped teapot in the style of Gongchun by Huang Yulin – Guangxu period
118.民國 俞國良製朱泥四方傳爐壺Quadrangular zhuni chuanlu teapot by Yu Guoliang – Minguo period
发表于 2012-3-9 19:06:58 | 显示全部楼层
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