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[原创]World of Warcraft MidSummer Fire Festival Quest Locations

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发表于 2009-9-13 12:31:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The new wow patch brought us another world holiday type event called the Midsummer Fire Festival. It seems to be pretty much a novelty quest line but can be fun also. I thought I would share the buy wow gold coordinates for the locations of the bonfires so you can enjoy the quest rewards without taking away too much time from the invasion of the scourge. I found these locations at various places on the internet. Check them out! The quest level is in brackets before the quest name and the coordinates are in the format (x,y) after the location name.

[25]Flickering FLames in Kalimdor
Visit the bonfires within Ashenvale, the Barrens, Darkshore, and Stonetalon Mountains, then speak with the cheap wow gold Festival Flamekeeper.

Ashenvale (64,71)
Barrens (59,39)
Darkshore (41,90)
Stonetalon (59,72)

[25]Flickering FLames in Eastern Kingdoms
Visit the bonfires within Hillsbrad Foothills, Silverpine Forest, Westfall, and the Wetlands, then speak with the Festival Flamekeeper.

Hillsbrad Foothills (54,33)
Silverpine Forest (54,69)
Westfall (33,80)
Wetlands (51,17)

[60]Wild Fires in Kalimdor
Visit the Fire Festival camps located in Blasted Lands, Eastern Plaguelands, the Hinterlands and Searing Gorge, then speak with the Festival Flamekeeper.

Blasted Lands (54,31)
Eastern Plaguelands (57,72)
Hinterlands (62,53)
Searing Gorge (32,73)

[60]Wild Fires in Eastern Kingdoms
Visit the Midsummer camps wow gold located in Azshara, Silithus, Un'Goro Crater, and Winterspring, then return to the Festival Flamekeeper.

Azshara (41,43)
Silithus (78,19)
Un'goro Crater (70,76)
Wintersping (31,43)

[60]The Festival of Fire
Touch the bonfireswithin Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, and the Undercity, then speak to a Festival Talespinner within the capital cities.

Thunderbluff - Spirit Rise (21,26)
Orgrimar - Valley of Wisdom (40,33)
Undercity - Ruins of Lordaeron (66,36)

Alliance version..

Stormwind - The Cannals next to the Stockades (38,61)
Ironforge - Hall of Explorers (64,25)
Darassus - Rut'theran Village (56,92)


发表于 2010-5-6 12:38:08 | 显示全部楼层




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